Kantoorgebouw ‘De Leidse Bocht’
Max Euweplein 30A
1017 MB Amsterdam
020-73 72 675
Monday: 08:30-18:00 hour
Tuesday: 08:30-18:00 hour
Wednesday: 08:30-18:00 hour
Thursday: 08:30-18:00 hour
Friday: 08:30-17:00 hour
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
Note: Appointments after office hours is one of the possibilities. We would like to invite you for a free consultation at our Office at the Max euweplein 30 A in Amsterdam. If you are in possession of these drawings or records, it is convenient to take that with u.
BTW-nummer: NL199158137B01
KvK-nummer: 57090068